Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014

Doa - doa ku terjawab sudah oleh Tuhan.
Yah...Tuhan menjawab lengkap semua.
Membuka siapa yang salah atas semua yang telah terjadi.
Akankah tersadar dia oleh fakta dari Tuhan??

Mana mungkin dia yang sedang di atas awan sadar akan keburukannya selama ini??
Sekalipun dia menghindar semua ini, pasti suatu saat dia akan tersadar oleh perbuatannya sendiri.
Karna...yang aku tahu, karma tidak akan berhenti sampai detik ini.
Dia akan terus mengikuti mu kemanapun kau pergi.
Tuhan Maha Adil.
Kau yang menanam dan kau pula yang memetik.

Seandainya kita bertemu lagi nanti..
Yang aku harap, kau ada dalam keadaan sadar dimana "Aku pernah bersalah pada wanita ini dan ibunya"
dan semoga akupun dalam keadaan pemaaf yang seikhlasnya.

_Harapan yang tertunda_
Satnite, 20:18
18 October 2014

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

Se-iya se-kata se-rasa se-irama
rangkaian kata - kata yang memang sulit untuk di wujudkan
amarah, salah paham, egois, dan acuh tak acuh merupakan bumbu yang ada di dalamnya
tak semua manusia mampu untuk melakukannya
karena setiap manusia dibekali kekurangan oleh Yang Kuasa

"maaf" merupakan senjata pamungkas untuk menjadikannya wujud
serta perubahan tingkah laku yang perlu dijaga untuk selalu harmonis

katakanlah apa yang menjadi hambatan dalam hati
dengan akal sehat dan kasih sayang
dan dengan keikhlasan dan pengharapan
karena tiada lagi selain cinta yang mampu menghidupkan jiwa

Thursday Afternoon, @classroom
@13.05 p.m
Sad and missing beloved someone
_Kesempatan Kedua_

Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014


Tak kan pernah berharap ARJUNA lagi yang datang menghampiri
Tak kan pernah berharap ROMEO lagi yang datang memuja
Namun hanya dengan seorang GURU yang sederhana dan bertanggung jawab lah yang mampu mengalahkan ARJUNA dan ROMEO.

Tak perlu gunung emas untuk menarik hati ini
dan tak perlu dengan bualan kata - kata mesra yang palsu untuk memikat hati
Tak perlu pula rangkaian kata - kata semu memenuhi ruang rindu
Hanya dengan rasa yang tiada berakhir di dalam hati lah yang akan abadi selamanya.

Sederhanamu serta keburukanmu,
Bumbu cinta yang sebenarnya...

Takkan ada yang lain, dan tak akan ada yang baru.
Apa yang dihati...akan selamanya.
Although we'll meet a thousand years later, I will always love you and choose you to be my special one in my heart and in my life.
I love U, Usman Abdilah :-*

Tuesday Afternoon
Beneath my sweet sunset
19th August 2014

Jumat, 25 Juli 2014

Aku Tanya Kenapa, Tuhan????

Bukan lagi meniru apa yang sedang menjadi trend akhir - akhir ini, namun....aku hanya ingin membuang sedikit penat di hati. Yaaahhh..... hidup memang penuh warna, ada warna bahagia, warna kecewa, warna amarah dan warna tangisan dan warna yang lain. Semua ada di dalam satu paket yang disebut "kehidupan".

Tuhan telah merencanakan semua ini dengan sempurna. Kematian yang menjemput salah satu sosok yang tercinta membuat semua berubah. Bisa dikatakan berubah drastis dan membuat tubuh ini merasa terpontang panting oleh keadaan. Ibarat air yang berisi penuh, kemudian tiba - tiba dibalik dan tumpahlah semua air di dalamnya. Akupun tak menyalahkan kematian yang telah terjadi padanya, karena aku percaya bahwa semua akan ada hikmahnya.

Hidup dengan satu sayap memang tidak mudah, dan bahkan burungpun jika dengan keadaan seperti ini akan tidak bisa terbang sama sekali. Keinginan hati adalah fokus dengan tujuan akhirat yang selalu membuntuti kemana kita pergi. Namun....jauh dalam hati, tersematkan keinginan baru yang menggebu.

Keinginan mencari sayap pembantu agar mampu mengarungi sisa kehidupan. Meski tidak pas di mata hati ini, namun kenapa Tuhan memberikan jalan seperti ini????

Apa maksud dari semua ini??

Sebaik apa dia bertingkah, sulit rasanya menerima.

Ketika di luar sana....masih banyak orang - orang yang salut serta membanggakan sosok tercinta yang telah pergi. Hingga tak jarang hati ini menangis dan menjerit, Kenapa Tuhan????

Kenapa tak Kau hukum aku, jika aku salah??

Kenapa Kau biarkan ini terjadi padahal hati ini menolak keras????

Aku bingung Tuhan.....sikap apa yang harus aku ambil??

Cinta kepada sosok yang telah pergi begitu kuat dan tak ingin terganti......namun kenyataan yang selalu mendesak untuk segera terganti. aahhhh.....Tuhan Kau tega....

Kau tega membiarkan aku bertemu dengan pilihan yang seperti ini. Pilihan yang membuat jiwa ini sering diliputi amarah murka.

Tunjukan kalau memang aku salah dan mereka benar.

Karena sebenarnya aku lelah dengan permainan ini.....

Andaikan aku boleh memilih Tuhan.....biarkan sayap itu terbang hanya sebelah, namun surga Mu dengan mudah dia gapai. Biarkan sayap yang telah pergi ada di hati ini selamanya tanpa harus terganti oleh sayap pembantu. Bukan menjadi barang sulit bagi Mu Tuhan....

Aku meminta pertolongan hanya kepada Mu....Tuhan.

Maka aku akan berhenti bertanya, Kenapa Tuhan.....

Purwokerto, 25 Juli 2014
terdengar rintik hujan di luar sana
dan terdengar pula harapan kecil di hati yang dalam
_Yovie and Nuno, Sakit Hati_

Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Power Teaching

The Effectiveness of Power Teaching for Teaching Reading

Vara Agustina
Endang Kusrini

English Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto


            This research was aimed to find out the effectiveness of Power Teaching for teaching reading. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Banyumas in academic year 2011/2012. The experiment research was carried out on February 2012. The total sample of this research was 66 students. The students were divided into two classes, VIII F and VIII B. VIII F was as the experimental class that is taught by Power Teaching and VIII B was as control class that was taught by classical technique. To get the sample, this research used purposive cluster sampling. In the collecting data, this research used test, pre-test and post-test, which was in the form of multiple choice. Pre-test was given before the treatment was done and post-test was given after the treatment was done.
            Based on the result, it was found that Power Teaching was effective for teaching reading. It can be seen by the result of t-test; it was 2.126, and the result of t-table at significant level 0.05 with degree of freedom 64 was 1.669. Then, the calculation of t-obtained with t-table was concluded that t-obtained was higher than t-table (2.126>1.669). Finally, the hypothesis of this research that Power Teaching is effective for teaching reading was accepted.

Key words: power teaching, teaching technique, teaching reading
            Teaching reading in Junior High School has some purposes. It aims for measuring the students’ comprehension toward the text or new information (it includes the content and the meaning) that is given by the teacher. It is also given to check their micro and macro skills in reading. The other aim of reading is entertaining the students with the text or story that is provided by the teacher. Eventually, the aims above indicate that reading is an important subject to be taught in school. Taching reading also has some problems. Commonly, the problems come from the implementation of teacher centered learning. Second, the students are not interested with the technique that is applied by the teacher so they feel bored. Finally they have low motivation because there are no challenging in reading class. Those conditions mentioned previously also happened to the VIII grade students in one of Junior High Schools in Banyumas regency particularly in academic year 2011 / 2012. Based on pre observation, the problems faced by them were: (1) low motivation, and (2) teacher centered learning. For example the students were not given a challenging to present their work in front of the class and finally it made the students did not have interaction among them in reading class.
            Based on the real conditions, an interesting teaching reading should be applied to minimize the problems previously. One of the ways that can be done to minimize the problems is Power Teaching. According to Biffle (2010: 10) Power Teaching is a technique which produces fun activity in classroom. The students have to follow their teacher’s gesture. Then, the students have to practice and review the concept until the teacher is satisfied with the level of comprehension. When the students need more review, it is given immediately without consequence or punishment so they enjoy their reading class. Power Teaching also can stimulate and encourage students to be active in classroom. It provides activities which attract students’ attention and require students’ high motivation.
            The description mentioned previously explained that Power Teaching is a good way to minimize the problems in teaching reading. Moreover, the aim of this research is to know the effectiveness of Power Teaching for teaching reading.

Literature Review


            As Finnochiaro (1974: 77) reading is getting meaning from printed in written material. Reading is also about understanding written text (Pang, et al. 2003: 6). Reading is an activity of identifying the printed symbols and recognizing the meaning of the information of written material (Dechant as cited in Leu 1987: 9).
            In line with the definition above, it can be synthesized that reading is an active attempt of a reader to recognize and understand the printed or written symbol, which the author expresses his ideas, thought, feeling and opinion, and so that the reader can reconstruct to what the author want to say.

Power Teaching
            Power Teaching is a technique which produces fun activity in classroom. The students have to follow their teacher’s gesture. the students have to practice and review the concept until the teacher is satisfied with the level of comprehension. When the students need more review, it is given immediately without consequence or punishment so they enjoy their reading class. Power Teaching can stimulate and encourage students to be active in classroom. It also provides activities which attract students’ attention and require students’ high motivation. (Biffle, 2010: 10)
            On the other hand, Angela and Brian as cited in Biffle (2010: 230-232) described that Power Teaching is a set of strategies that combines the best attributes of Direct Instruction and Cooperative Learning to create an engaging classroom environment for students and an enjoyable workday for teachers. Direct instruction (DI) here means that each concept is taught one at a time. In micro – lectures, the teacher explains the goals and gives academic feedback to the students immediately. Later on, when the students do not get the points of the material, the teacher will give more reviews. Then, Cooperative Learning (CL) involves students interaction as the basis for learning. The students solve the problems, discuss the ideas, and complete the practice cooperatively.

Research Methodology

            In this research, Experiment was used as a research methodology in which it was focused on the finding the effectiveness of Power Teaching for teaching reading.

            The participants of the research were VIII F and VIII B grade students in one of Junior High Schools in Banyumas regency particularly in academic year 2011/2012. The number of population were 272 stdudents from 8 classes, which consisted of 34 students in each class. Due to the limitation of time and capacity, two classes were selected to be the sample. VIII F was chosen as an experimental class and VIII B was chosen as a control class.

Procedures of Teaching Reading by using Power Teaching
            According to Biffle (2009: 4), here are the procedures of teaching reading using Power Teaching :
a.       the attention getter (Class-Yes): to gain students’ attention
b.      the organizer (Classroom Rules) : to make good memory retention
c.       the whole brain activator (Teach/Okay) : to check the students understanding
d.      the motivator (The Scoreboard): to reward the stdudents
e.       the class unifier (Mirror): to prepare the students with the teacher’s gestures.
f.       the focuser (Hands and Eyes): to deliver the big point of the lesson
g.      the involver (Switch): to know who is on the task of explaining
            After knowing the procedure of teaching reading using Power Teaching, teacher should test the students’ comprehension. According to Biffle (2009: 25) there are some steps of Power Teaching Test. The steps are as follow:
a.       step 1 : Question : ask a question. The question deals with the material.
b.      step 2 : Answer : Give the answer to the question, in kid friendly language, accompanied by a gesture.
c.       step 3 : Expand : expand the answer with examples, brain toys, diagrams, or explanations.
d.      steps 4 : Test : test for comprehension with the Yes – No Way, QT or other test.
e.       step 5 : Critical Thinking : the teacher gives students tasks that require they use what they have learned in a critical thinking context.

Technique of data collection and analysis

            In collecting data, pre-test and post-test were used as an instrument to know students’ comprehension. Pre-test was given to both classes before they gain any treatments from the teacher. It aimed to know the ability before teacher gave treatments. Post-test was also given to both classes to measure the comprehension of the two groups after being given treatment. Both pre-test and post-test were in the form of multiple choice.
            After obtaining the data from both classes, then it was analyzed to know the effect of Power Teaching for teaching reading using the formula of t-test.

Result and discussion

            After getting the result from both control and experimental class, it could be concluded that there was different result that could be compared as follows:


Figure 1. Che comparison of Pre-Test result.
            Initially, the teacher gave pre-test for testing their ability in reading. Pre-test was given when they had not gained any treatments from the teacher. It meant that their ability in reading was same. After the students of both class got pre-test, the result showed that control class was higher than experimental class. The chart showed that almost 20 students in control class belonged to 41 until 60. It happened because control class could do the test well although it was not good enough. In experimental class, there were approximately 15 students belonged to 41 until 60. To sum up, control class had better increase than experimental class.
            Due to the different treatments that were given by the teacher, exactly both classes had different treatment so they also had different result. For further explanation it can be seen from the figure 2.


            The chart above showed that experimental class had better result in post test than control class. There were 5 students belonged 80 until 100 while in control class, there was only one student got good result. It meant that the students in experimental class could increase their ability in reading and it was higher than the control class. In short, the teacher successfully applied Power Teaching in experimental class. Finally, Power Teaching was effective for teaching reading.
            Power Teaching was able to encourage students to be active in reading class. It could be seen from the score of post-test. The score of experimental class which was higher than control class (2193>2097). From the result, it can be concluded that he use of Power Teaching gave a good effect toward the teaching reading. This was supported by the previous research that Power Teaching was effective to be used in teaching and learning process, but this study investigated about writing summary. It meant that the teachers needed to review about the technique of teaching reading to make the students obtain their comprehension easily. As the facilitator, the teacher had to be aware that Power Teaching was an effective technique for teaching reading (Putri (2011: 1).
            The conclusion of the research was drawn from the result of the data analysis description on the previous chapter that was mentioned previously. The t-test result that was compared with the t-table showed that Power Teaching is effective for teaching reading. The t-test result is 2.126 and the level of significance 0.05 for df 64 is 1.669. It indicates that the t-test result is higher than t-table. At last, the hypothesis mentioned that Power Teaching is effective for teaching reading was accepted. It could also be effective technique that changed the athmosphere of the reading class especially for the second graders of Junior High Schools in Banyumas.
            Based on the result of this reserach, there were some positive effects of the use of Power Teaching for teaching reading at that Junior High School. The suggestions were as follows:
1.      For the teacher
a.       The teacher should be able to motivate the students to be active in the class, and Power Teaching can be the solution of this problem.
b.      The teacher can apply Power Teaching because it is interesting to be applied in reading class, so the students will not get bored in reading class.
c.       Although Power Teaching is suitable in reading class, it can also be applied in other skills in English.
d.      The teacher’s gestures will increase the students’ enthusiastic toward the material so the teacher had to be creative in making gestures.
e.       The teacher needs some variations in teaching reading, so the variation of the rules of Power Teaching will help the students comprehend the material easily.
2.      For the students
a.       The students should be more active in their reading class and follow the rules of Power Teaching that are given by the teacher enthusiastically.
b.      The students should keep learning using Power Teaching to increase their motivation in joining reading class.
3.      For the other researcher
a.       Hopefully, Power Teaching can be an inspiration for other researcher to make further research.
b.      The other researcher can use Power Teaching in other research with other skills in English.
c.       When taking the data, the other reseracher should pay attention to the time of taking the data using Power Teaching. It aims to get better result in the next research of Power Teaching.

Biffle, Chris. 2009 . Designing Your Whole Brain Teaching Model Classroom. California.
Biffle, Chris. 2009. Whole Brain Teaching Lesson Design and Delivery.California.

Biffle, Chris. 2010. Whole Brain Teaching For Challenging Kids. California.

Donald, J. Leu, Jr. 1987. Effective Reading Instruction in the Elementary. Toronto. Marillu Publishing.
Finnochiaro, Mary. 1974. English as a Second Language, Theory to Practice. New York: Lishing Company.
Pang, Elizabeth. et. al. 2003. Teaching Reading. International Bureau of Education: Switzerland.

Putri, Mertha. Tyananda. 2011. “Penerapan Model Power Teaching dan Cooperative Script untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia dalam Meringkas Isi Wacana Cerita Kelas V SD Ketawanggede 1 Kota Malang”. Retrieved in in January, 5th 2012.